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Optimize the fuel tank size of the Goddard rocket to reach desired height.


Add a parameter that represents the fuel tank capacity and update the starting mass depending on the new parameter.

{ mf '==' t_0(rocket.mass-rocket.maxFuel) }

Another tip is to set the end height to be the same as the maximum height of the Goddard rocket problem, which is { 1.6141e+05 '==' t_f(rocket.height) } and then you can compare the plots and see if they are simular.

Code to be modified

%% Goddard Rocket, Maximum Ascent
% Author: Dennis Edblom
% Create the Yop system
sys = YopSystem('states', 3, 'controls', 1, ...
    'model', @goddardRocketModel);
% Symbolic variables
time = sys.t;

% Rocket signals (symbolic)
rocket = sys.y.rocket;

m0 = 214.839;
mf = 67.9833;
Fm = 9.525515;
% Formulate optimal control problem
ocp = YopOcp();
ocp.max({ t_f( rocket.height ) });
     'systems', sys, ...
    ... % initial conditions
    { 0  '==' t_0(time)            }, ...
    { 0  '==' t_0(rocket.velocity) }, ...
    { 0  '==' t_0(rocket.height)   }, ...
    { m0 '==' t_0(rocket.mass)     }, ...
    ... % Constraints
    {  0 '<=' t_f( time)          '<=' inf }, ...
    {  0 '<=' rocket.velocity     '<=' inf }, ...
    {  0 '<=' rocket.height       '<=' inf }, ...
    { mf '<=' rocket.mass         '<=' m0  }, ...
    {  0 '<=' rocket.fuelMassFlow '<=' Fm  } ...

% Solving the OCP
sol = ocp.solve('controlIntervals', 60);

%% Plot the results
subplot(311); hold on
sol.plot(time, rocket.velocity)

subplot(312); hold on
sol.plot(time, rocket.height)

subplot(313); hold on
sol.plot(time, rocket.mass)

figure(2); hold on
sol.stairs(time, rocket.fuelMassFlow)
ylabel('F (Control)')

%% Model
function [dx, y] = goddardRocketModel(t, x, u)
% States and control
v = x(1);
h = x(2);
m = x(3);
F = u;

% Parameters
D0   = 0.01227;
beta = 0.145e-3;
c    = 2060;
g0   = 9.81;
r0   = 6.371e6;

% Drag and gravity
D   = D0*exp(-beta*h);
F_D = sign(v)*D*v^2;
g   = g0*(r0/(r0+h))^2;

% Dynamics
dv = (F*c-F_D)/m-g;
dh = v;
dm = -F;
dx = [dv;dh;dm];

% Signals y
y.rocket.velocity     = v;
y.rocket.height       = h;
y.rocket.mass         = m;
y.rocket.fuelMassFlow = F;
y.drag.coefficient    = D;
y.drag.force          = F_D;
y.gravity             = g;