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In Yop, optimal control problem are represented by the YopOcp class.

Two key functions: t_f() and t_0()

Before diving into how optimal control problems are declared in Yop, two functions t_f(arg) and t_0(arg) need to be introduced. These functions are implemented as:

function t = t_0(expression)
t = YopInitialTimepoint(expression);


function t = t_f(expression)
t = YopFinalTimepoint(expression);

As is seen from the implementation the functions are wrapper functions for YopInitialTimepoint() and YopFinalTimepoint(). YopInitialTimepoint() indicates to Yop that the expression given as argument should be evaluated at the initial boundary, likewise indicates YopFinalTimepoint() that the expression should be evaluated at the final, or terminal, boundary. As can be see below, these two functions are used frequently to formulate optimal control problems.

The expression given as argument to the functions is any expression that can be formulated using the YopSystem variables.

Declaring optimal control problems

A YopOcp can be declared and represent optimal control problems on the following form:

% An optimal control problem
ocp = YopOcp();

% Objective function to minimize
ocp.min({ t_f( endStateCost ) '+' timeIntegral( integralCost ) })

% or if the aim is to maximize the objective:
ocp.max({ t_f( endStateCost ) '+' timeIntegral( integralCost ) })

% Subject to the constraints
    'system', mySystem, ...                 % a YopSystem on ODE form
    { t0lb   '<=' t_0(t) '<=' t0ub   }, ... % independent variable initial value bounds
    { tflb   '<=' t_f(t) '<=' tfub   }, ... % independent variable final value bounds
    { x_min  '<='   x    '<=' x_max  }, ... % state bounds
    { x0_min '<=' t_0(x) '<=' x0_max }, ... % state initial value bounds
    { xf_min '<=' t_f(x) '<=' xf_max }, ... % state final value bounds
    { u_min  '<='   u    '<=' u_max  }, ... % control bounds
    { u0_min '<=' t_0(u) '<=' u0_max }, ... % control initial value bounds
    { uf_min '<=' t_f(u) '<=' uf_max }, ... % control final value bounds
    { p_min  '<='   p    '<=' p_max  }, ... % parameter bounds
    { h_min  '<='   h    '<=' h_max  }, ... % path constraints
    { h0_min '<=' t_0(h) '<=' h0_max }, ... % initial boundary constraints
    { hf_min '<=' t_f(h) '<=' hf_max }  ... % final boundary constraints

The call to YopOcp takes no arguments an returns an optimal control problem object. To formulate an optimal control problem, two methods need to be called. .min() (or .max()) and .st(). In the call to .min() the user sets the objective function to minimize (or maximize). In the call to .st() the user specifies the constraints the problem is subject to.

Declaring the objective function

The call to .min(arg) and .max(arg) takes one argument arg. It is a cell array with either 1 or 3 entries. The objective function call should look like:

% Alternative 1
ocp.min({ t_f( endStateCost ) '+' timeIntegral( integralCost ) })

% Alternative 2
ocp.min({ timeIntegral( integralCost ) '+' t_f( endStateCost ) })

% Alternative 3
ocp.min({ timeIntegral( integralCost ) })

% Alternative 4
ocp.min({ t_f( endStateCost ) })

The function timeIntegral()

The function timeIntegral(argument) is a wrapper for YopIntegral() and implemented as:

function L = timeIntegral(expression)
L = YopIntegral(expression);

Declaring constraints using .st

The first argument to .st() always begin with the keyword systems. This key is followed by the YopSystem (see YopSystem for more information) that is the subject of the optimal control problem. This is then followed by the constraints, independent of ordering.

Systems that can be used in optimal control problems

Currently Yop only accepts one system in the optimization problem formulation. This system is limited to an ODE (work is in progress for semi-explicit index 1 DAEs, which also enables a multi-system formulation). This means that the system must be on the form

If you are not sure whether this applies to your system, you can evaluate whether you can implement your system in Simulink. If this is the case, you have an ODE. However, this should not be a big limitation as you can with moderate effort convert your semi-explicit index 1 DAE into an ODE. If it is simply a multi-system formulation you wish to formulate, implement all systems in a single YopSystem.


Constraints are declared (formulated) using cell arrays. The cell array either has 3 or 5 entries. The following are correct implementations of constraints:

% Upper and lower bounded
{ lb  '<=' expression '<=' ub }
{ lb  '<=' t_0( expression ) '<=' ub }
{ lb  '<=' t_f( expression ) '<=' ub }

% Lower bounded
{ lb  '<=' expression }
{ lb  '<=' t_0( expression ) }
{ lb  '<=' t_f( expression ) }

% Upper bounded
{ ub  '>=' expression }
{ ub  '>=' t_0( expression ) }
{ ub  '>=' t_f( expression ) }

% Equality constraint
{ eq  '==' expression }
{ eq  '==' t_0( expression ) }
{ eq  '==' t_f( expression ) }

The entries eq, lb and ub should have numerical values and can be vector valued. In the case that they are vector valued their dimension must be the same as that of expression. expression is any expression that can be formed using the symbolic variables. In case that eq, lb or ub are scalar valued and expression is vector valued, Yop assigns the same bound to every element of expression.

Box constraints

Box constraints are constraints on a single (vector valued) variable. Yop automatically detects which constraints are box constraints, and which are path constraints. Provdid the variable v in the code is either the independent variable, state variable, algebraic variable, control variable, or parameter variable, the following constraints will be interpreted as box constraints:

% Upper and lower bounded
{ lb  '<=' v '<=' ub }
{ lb  '<=' t_0( v ) '<=' ub }
{ lb  '<=' t_f( v ) '<=' ub }

% Lower bounded
{ lb  '<=' v }
{ lb  '<=' t_0( v ) }
{ lb  '<=' t_f( v ) }

% Upper bounded
{ ub  '>=' v }
{ ub  '>=' t_0( v ) }
{ ub  '>=' t_f( v ) }

% Equality constraint
{ eq  '==' v }
{ eq  '==' t_0( v ) }
{ eq  '==' t_f( v ) }
Default box constraints

Omitting to set a box constraint on a variable is an indication to Yop that this variable is unbounded. However, by entering the following constraint:

{ lb  '<=' v '<=' ub }

Yop will automatically set the same bounds for the initial and final value of that variable. If you want other bounds at the initial or final time you need to enter the constraints:

{ lb0  '<=' t_0( v ) '<=' ub0 }
{ lbf  '<=' t_f( v ) '<=' ubf }

Or if you wish them to be unbounded write:

{ -inf '<=' t_0( v ) '<=' inf }
{ -inf '<=' t_f( v ) '<=' inf }

Box constraints on the independent variable are treated in a different way, and this is the only exception. By omitting to set an initial bound, Yop will interpret that as starting from zero. That is the constraint:

{ 0  '==' t_0( independentVariable ) }

that is, to begin counting from 0. By omtting to set a final bound, Yop interpret that as free end time with lower bound. That is:

{ 0  '<=' t_f( independentVariable )  '<=' inf }

Strict path constraints

To avoid creating a nonlinear optimization problem, resulting from the discretization of the optimal control problem, with too few degrees of freedom, (more constraints than free variables) Yop does not impose the path constraints at every discretization point. The default setting is to only impose the path constraints at the beginning of a control interval. Typically this is sufficient and therefore preferable to imposing the constraint at every discretization point. However, this is not always the case. If it is obvious or you suspect that this weakness is exploited by the solver, the function strict(constraint) can be used. This tells Yop that this constraint should be imposed at every discretization point. This is not to be used for box constraints as these are always imposed at every discretization point. An optimal control problem formulation including strict path constraints can look like:

% Subject to the constraints
    'system', mySystem, ...                      % a YopSystem on ODE form
    { t0lb   '<=' t_0(t) '<=' t0ub   }, ...      % independent variable initial value bounds
    { tflb   '<=' t_f(t) '<=' tfub   }, ...      % independent variable final value bounds
    { x_min  '<='   x    '<=' x_max  }, ...      % state bounds
    { x0_min '<=' t_0(x) '<=' x0_max }, ...      % state initial value bounds
    { xf_min '<=' t_f(x) '<=' xf_max }, ...      % state final value bounds
    { u_min  '<='   u    '<=' u_max  }, ...      % control bounds
    { u0_min '<=' t_0(u) '<=' u0_max }, ...      % control initial value bounds
    { uf_min '<=' t_f(u) '<=' uf_max }, ...      % control final value bounds
    { p_min  '<='   p    '<=' p_max  }, ...      % parameter bounds
    { h_min  '<='   h    '<=' h_max  }, ...      % path constraints
 strict({ h_min  '<='   h    '<=' h_max  }), ... % strict path constraints
    { h0_min '<=' t_0(h) '<=' h0_max }, ...      % initial boundary constraints
    { hf_min '<=' t_f(h) '<=' hf_max } ...       % final boundary constraints


Scaling of an optimal control problem can be important for convergence. In Yop you can scale the variables, and objective function. The constraints you need to scale yourself, which can be done using simple rules of thumb. Before going further it should be noted that there is no clear definition of what good scaling is, but certain rules of thumb exist. Typically you want the variable to take values ranging from 0 to 1, or some say -1/2 to 1/2 (personally I think if this choice hampers converge of your problem you probably have bigger issues and should look to other solutions). In Yop scaling of variables is based on the equation:

where is the scaled variable, the scale weight, and the shift. For the state variable, we consequently also get the scaling of the dynamics

The objective function is only normalized:

For path constraint the following scaling can be used:


For the objective function use the following syntax:

ocp.scale('objective', weight);

For the variables the following is used:

ocp.scale('variable', v, 'weight', w, 'shift', s)

Multi-phase problems

Certain optimal control problems are best formulated as multi-phase problems, see for instance the Goddard rocket problem with landing. In this problem the aim is to maximize height with the constraint of landing the problem. As the end time is free we wish to maximize the height of the problem in the first phase and land the problem in the second phase. Alternatively, we might wish to formulate a problem in which the system dynamics change in a non continuous way, that this change is naturally formulated as a change of phase.

The declaration of a multi-phase problem follows that of a single-phase problem. Begin by declaring an ocp for every phase using the following syntax:

ocp(1) = YopOcp;
ocp(numberOfPhases) = YopOcp;

Precede as you would for a single-phase problem but index which problem you are formulating:


When this is done solve them by running:

sol = ocp.solve;

The solution object sol will have as many entries as you have phases.