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To get started with Yop you can either start from examples, you can visit the Yop examples page. You can also read more about Yop under the different categories.


The basics of Yop can be understood from the three base classes YopSystem, YopOcp, and YopSimulator.

The YopSystem class is used for representing systems, or models. This is necessary in order to formulate and solve optimal control problems (OCPs), and for setting up simulations. More information about YopSystem is found at the YopSystem page.

The YopOcp class is used for formulating and solving optimal control problems. More information on this class is found at the YopOcp page.

The YopSimulator class is used for simulations. The main purpose of this class is to be used as a way of finding an initial guess for non-convex optimal control problems. The class supports semi-explicit DAEs of differential index 1. The main idea of supporting DAEs of index one is the ability to connect ODEs consisting of a system and a controller via an algebraic constraint. More info is found at the YopSimulator page.


Declaring a YopSystem

Connecting systems

YopSystem Limitations


Formulating optimal control problems

How to provide an initial guess

How to solve optimal control problems


Supported systems

Setting up a simulator

Running a simulation

Symbolic plotting